Participate in Preventing Suicide
Our Suicide Prevention Campaign is aimed at saving lives. If you’re looking to get involved you can find out more information at twloha.com/stay.
We don’t know all you’ve survived this past year. But those things don’t make you too much, they don’t make you a burden. If you’re reading this right now, know that you are more than the pain you feel, and we can get through this together. Please stay. You are not a burden.
There are people who care and want to see your story continue.
If you need immediate help
call 988 or Text TWLOHA to 741-741
Línea Para Veteranos en Crisis: Llame al 800-273-8255 (presione 2)
See the International Resources Page if you don’t reside in the US.
We know it’s not easy to find help and we believe everyone deserves access to the tools they need to keep writing their story. We created our FIND HELP Tool to eliminate the challenges when searching for support. This tool allows you to search by zip code for local, affordable mental health resources. Explore the tool today to see what resources are available near you.
Use our FIND HELP Tool to locate free or reduced cost counseling and other mental health resources in your community. Select the level of care you’re looking for and enter your zip code.
*The FIND HELP Tool is only currently available in the U.S. See the International Resources page for more treatment options.
We all have mental health, but we don’t all start with the same skills or support needed to maintain it. Start building your mental health resiliency today through our Introductory Mental Health Toolkit. Here are some of our favorites for those struggling right now.